Natural CBD spray

CBD and Asthma

If you or anyone you know has asthma, you understand how frightened and anxious it can make you, especially if it’s severe. As medicine and healthcare constantly evolves, there’s always room for new and improved treatments for ailments of every kind. Recent studies and research has shown that CBD has the capacity to help ease the symptoms of asthma as well as be effective in protecting the lungs in general. 

What is Asthma?

Asthma is one of the most common respiratory diseases out there, with children and senior citizens being the most susceptible. However, it should be noted that asthma can affect individuals of all ages, and with it, it carries varying rates of morbidity. Asthma occurs as an inflammatory response to various exogenic and internal stimuli; the result is that the airways quite instinctually begin to contract. Asmathic symptoms are typically coughing, shortness of breath, wheezing, and sometimes chest pain, as a result of the obstruction to the airflow. 

What are Cannabinoids?

A cannabinoid is any chemical substance, despite the origin or structure, that is joined to receptors in the brain and body, that have relative effects to that of the Cannabis sativa plant. Three forms of cannabinoids that people use are synthetic, recreational, and medicinal. Our bodies have an endogenous endocannabinoid system, and we also naturally produce cannabinoids. This system essentially controls cell communications throughout the body and brain which consequently affects many functions. 

In unison, the endocannabinoid system works with the receptors and cannabinoids to regulate memory, sleep, appetite, and mood. 

How CBD helps with Asthma

CBD can help to alleviate the pain and discomfort of asthma due to its capacity as a cannabinoid. Cannabidiol (CBD) is a known bronchodilator. This means that it can be used to make breathing easier through relaxing the lung muscles, thus widening, or enlarging the airways. Through this process, it can assist with relieving asthma attacks. CBD is also renowned for pain relief and can reduce chest pain associated with asthma. Additionally, it has anti-bacterial properties that can help treat the infections that trigger asthmatic attacks. Vaporizers that contain CBD oil can be used to smooth the muscles near the bronchi (airways) and simultaneously reduce muscle spasms. 

CBD can be used to treat asthma most efficiently when used as a CBD spray, sublingual drops, a vape pen, or tinctures (5-10 drops/3 times a day). Newly on the market is an inhaler that can be used and will deposit the CBD directly into the lungs. For use in this manner, 2-3 pumps is typically sufficient. For the other methods, 6-8mg of CBD is a small but adequate dosage to be taken until symptoms such as chest pain or shortness of breath subside. Be sure to do research on how CBD can assist you with asthma and asthmatic symptoms.