Asthma Publications 1: asthma community network 2: tutorial on asthma for patients 3: Site provides a number of different handouts on different subjects. This site has free information to download. Site supported by AstraZeneca. Focus is for parents. 4: : Site supported by AstraZeneca with a focus for the health care professional. 5: : American Academy […]
Asthma Resources for Schools
School Nurses and Healthcare Professionals 1: Managing asthma in schools guide 2: Childcare friendly 3: Is your school asthma friendly? 4: Education Material Resource (link) 5: School Asthma Education Slide Set 6: Educational Materials for the Elementary Classroom (link) 7: Asthma and Physical Activity in the School 8: AstraZeneca Site with information on […]
Asthma Awareness Programs & Events
Programs & Events: 1) Asthma Awareness Month-May and World Asthma Day- May 6, 2014 In an effort to support World Asthma Day, the South Florida Asthma Consortium along with the Florida Asthma Coalition is promoting events all during the month of May. We are attempting to partner with our local hospitals, health departments, pharmacies, schools, and childcare facilities to increase […]
Asthma Resources for Other Professionals
Organizations Department of Health and Human Services – Agency for toxic substances & disease registry:Case Studies Disease detectives Talks about asthma and guide to other links: National institute for occupational safety and health: Allergies and asthma network: Allies against asthma: American Academic of allergy: American Association of health plan: Asthma and allergy foundation of America: lung association: asthma CDC […]
What is asthma?
Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that affects 22 million people in the USA, 6 million of whom are children. With asthma, the airways are inflamed and hypersensitive to allergens and irritants. During an asthma attack, airway muscles tighten, the tissue becomes inflamed, and mucous is produced; this all results in narrow airways. Asthma attacks may be treatable with quick-relief […]